Published: 24/03/2021
VOLUNTEERS have signed up to support a Whitehaven pharmacy roll-out of Covid-19 vaccines.
Seacliffe Pharmacy, Kells, began offering vaccinations on Monday (March 22) and 15 volunteers signed up to help.
The volunteers work in four-hour shifts, and are involved in vehicle marshalling, parking, checking identification and people management. Some volunteers have signed up to multiple shifts per week.
James McNabb, volunteer and resident of Kells, said: “I want to help my local pharmacy and get us out of the current situation quickly.”
Louise Edgar, volunteer and Workington resident, said: “I was voluntarily supporting the lateral flow testing and I came across the opportunity to marshal at the pharmacy. I wanted to do my bit to help us all get out of lockdown.”
Jill Davnall, volunteer and Seascale resident, said: “I wanted to help further, having been involved in volunteering to drive people to get their vaccines.”
The pharmacy will deliver 400 vaccines each week and appointments are currently filled. Should any appointments become available, they will be placed on the national booking system which can be found at
Charles Whitfield Bott, pharmacist, said: “I’d like to thank all of the volunteers that have come forward so far.
“Giving the vaccine is the easy part. The logistical operation involved in making sure that everyone is in the right place, at just the right time, takes a lot of work and we’re incredibly grateful for the support.
“At this stage in the vaccine roll-out we’re only issuing the first vaccines, so there will be plenty of opportunities for more people to come forward and help vaccinate the nation.”
The volunteers are managed by Copeland Council’s social inclusion team and were sourced through Cumbria CVS, Support Cumbria and the Kells, Woodhouse and Greenbank community group.
Emma Baughan, Social Prescribing Development Worker, Copeland Borough Council, said: “I have been blown away by the amount of people who have stepped forward during the pandemic.
“It’s lovely to see so many good people willing to help.”
Anyone who is interested in becoming a vaccine volunteer is asked to contact Emma Baughan at or on 07733315899.