Published: 10/09/2018
COPELAND Council today announced it will be investing £350k to revitalise public spaces in the borough’s four towns; Whitehaven, Cleator Moor, Egremont and Millom.
Copeland residents and visitors are being asked their thoughts on the proposals through a series of drop-in events and an online survey.
The proposal for Whitehaven focuses on King Street and Market Place. It suggests replacing the current paving materials to create a consistent approach and includes a paving feature at each end of King Street. Proposals also include a new seating area, rain gardens and interpretation panels as well as an option to repaint or remove the gazebo in Market Place.
The proposals for Cleator Moor look to remove the railings around the town square and replace with tree planting and rain gardens. Residents and visitors are being asked to comment on two options which include a possible move for the memorial fountain, a seating area and a large multi-use space for events.
The proposals for Egremont Market Place look to pedestrianize the area and introduce plant beds, seating and games. A heritage trail is also being proposed which could be marked out through a series of plaques set in the paving or historic photographs comparing the view to times gone by.
The proposals for Millom focus on transforming Market Square into a pedestrianised area by removing some of the parking spaces and introducing trees and a sheltered area. The proposals include two options which include new street furniture, lighting refurbishments, and space for outdoor market stalls.
A series of eye catching banners are being suggested for all the towns and residents and visitors are being asked what they think should be depicted on the banners.
The developments will be funded through the Copeland Mayor’s £1m Pride of Place scheme which has already seen over £300k invested in improving buildings across the borough by offering businesses the chance to upgrade their premises at a fraction of the cost.
Mike Starkie, Copeland Mayor, said: “I am delighted to announce the investment which will revitalise public spaces in our town centres.
“We’re already seeing noticeable improvements to business premises across Copeland through our Pride of Place scheme.
“We’ll be looking to secure further investment from both the public and private sector with Cleator Moor Town Council and the local regeneration partnership already committed to supporting the scheme.
“This is another fantastic step in making Copeland a better place to live, work and visit.”
The drop-in events which will include large scale drawings of the proposals will be held at;
- Whitehaven Market on September 15, from 10am until 2pm
- Cleator Moor Town Council office, Market Place on September 17, from 2pm until 6pm
- Egremont Farmers Market, Market Hall on September 21, from 9am until 1pm
- Market Square, Millom on September 19, from 2pm until 6pm
The boards will also be available to view in Copeland Borough Council offices; in Market Place Whitehaven and St Georges Road, Millom, Cleator Moor Town Council office, Market Square and Marion’s Pet Shop, Egremont from September 10 to 30.
Residents and visitors can view the proposals and submit their feedback online by completing a short survey available through the Council’s website