Published: 13/12/2016
Copeland Council is putting out some useful information about its services over the festive period.
The council’s opening hours are as follows:
The Copeland Centre
Friday December 23 - 8.45am until 1pm.
We reopen at 9am on Tuesday January 3.
Millom office
The Millom office will close on Friday December 23 at 3pm and re-open on January 3 at 9am.
In case of an emergency such as flooding or homelessness, residents will still be able to call the 01946 598300 number for help.
Christmas and new year waste and recycling arrangements
- During the weeks beginning December 26 and January 2, all waste collections will be one day later than normal.
- The council is urging people to use their 'black box' kerbside collection as much as possible. Coun Dave Banks, Copeland's portfolio holder for customers and communities said: "Some people don't realise they can put out as much paper, glass and tins/cans as they like, as long as it is sensibly packaged. You can get a second black box from our offices or simply make sure the waste is wrapped so that it doesn't blow away. Bring sites are also open and normal collections are only one day later than normal, so hopefully there won't be too many problems."
- The council would also like to take this opportunity to thank the waste crews who work hard throughout the year, often over holiday periods.